
1. 立法院教育及文化委員會,昨天(5)初審通過「101年度教育部主管預算案」,立委期盼透過修訂「國民教育法」,將十二年國教實施入法,並確保經費無虞。教育部長吳清基強調,行政院承諾十二年國教所需財源,可以統籌調度,確保無虞,101年十二年國教經費比100年增列36.12億元,由行政院外加額度支應,並沒有排擠教育經費。

The Education and Culture Committee, the Legislator Yuan passed the act for the budget of directors in the Ministry of Education for 2012 during the first trial yesterday. The legislators hoped to include 12-year compulsory education in the law and confirm the budget through amending compulsory education law. The minister of MOE 吳清基 emphasized that the Executive Yuan promised that the budget for 12-year compulsory education can be arranged for sure. Thirty-six point twelve hundred million dollars will be additionally prepared for the program in 2012 by the arrangement of the Executive Yuan which shows that it didn’t push educational budget out from national budget.

2. 臺北巿部分公立高中職的學生制服費過高,進價與販售給學生的價格有明顯落差,引發社會觀感不佳。立法院教育及文化委員會昨天(5)通過臨時提案,要求教育部全面清查學生制服售價,如果不合理應該要求督導改進,教育部強調,將儘快展開全面清查。

The cost for uniform in part of public senior high schools and vocational schools in Taipei city is set too high. There is an obvious drop between purchasing price and the selling price which leads to a bad social impression. The Educational and Culture Committee, the Legislative Yuan passed a temporary proposal to ask Ministry of Education to make an investigation toward the selling price of uniform. Any unreasonable price should be inspected and improved. MOE emphasizes that it will process the overall investigation ASAP.

3. 國立中山大學100學年度兩岸高階主管經營管理碩士在職專班,即日起到11月1號開放網路報名,11月19號舉行筆試,上海考區當天舉辦口試,高雄考區11月26號口試。中山同濟EMBA專班每月上課一次,從周四到周日,三分之二在大陸,三分之一在台灣上課。

The application for master of management studies for on-the-job managers held byNational Sun-Yat-San University begins handling from now on till November through on-line service. The written test will be held on November 19th, and the oral test for Shanghai area will take place on the same day. The oral test for Kaohsiung area will be held on November 26th. The students for the EMBA program should join the class once a month from Thursday to Sunday. Two third of classes will be held in mainland China and one third of classes will open in Taiwan.

4. 整合學校空間資源與特色,由彰化藝術高中、中山國小,文德國小等5所學校串聯成立「北卦山、南跑水」八卦山5校聯盟遊學生活圈,結合教育學習與八卦山的多元景點,將八卦山生態、人文、藝術、在地特色等編寫進「北卦山、南跑水」遊學課本與手冊,讓更多民眾與學生了解、體驗、並喜愛八卦山。

To integrate schools space resource and specialties, the life circle for study tour jointly established by the five schools including 彰化 Arts Senior High School, 中山 elementary School, and 文德 Elementary School combines educational learning with diversified sceneries of 八卦 mountain to publish a tour textbook and handbook for the local specialties on ecology, arts and so on. It hopes people to realize, experience and like 八卦 mountain by reading the books.

5. 中華民國各界慶祝一百年國慶大會,將在雙十節當天盛大舉行,不僅在總統府前廣場舉辦各項表演和國防展演,當天晚上還在彰濱工業區施放4萬4千多發長達40分鐘的焰火。國慶籌備會主委王金平希望全民熱烈參與,共同祝福國家生日快樂,國運昌隆。

The ceremony for celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Republic of China will take place on Double Tenth Day. Not only kinds of performances and displays of national defense will be arranged, more than forty-four thousand fireworks which will take forty minutes will be displayed at 彰化 Coastal Industrial Park in the evening. The chairmen of the preparatory committee for the grand ceremony 王金平 hopes people to take part in it to celebrate the birthday of our country.

6. 由美國西部19個州的州長,聯合發起的西部州長大學(Western Governors University )希望建立一所21世紀新紀元的網路大學,這所學校獲得全國20 多家企業及基金會贊助,在各州州長全力支持下,已經發展成全國性的大學,目前擁有學生25,000多名,分別來自全美50州。

The Western Governors University jointly raised by the nineteen governors of the western states in America hopes to establish an on-line college in 21 century. It is sponsored by more than twenty enterprises and foundations. Being supported by the governors, it has been developed to a nation-wide university with more than twenty-five thousand students from the fifty states of U.S.

熱門關鍵字: 免費A片 線上A片 自拍A片 lv2011門市新款目錄, gucci官網,

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